The Revolutionary Impact of Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery is revolutionizing the medical field by providing a minimally-invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures.
The procedure allows surgeons to operate more precisely and accurately, improving patient outcomes.
Recent technological advances in robotics have made robotic surgery increasingly accessible, and as demand continues to grow, more medical centres worldwide are incorporating it into their practice.
In this article, we’ll discuss the safety of robotic surgery and what patients need to know before deciding on treatment.
Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery emerged in the late 1980s when Robotic devices were developed to assist with certain surgical procedures.
Since then, Robotics technology has advanced significantly, allowing surgeons to perform various operations with greater precision and accuracy.
At its most basic level, Robotic surgery uses a computer-controlled Robot to perform the same tasks as a human surgeon.
The surgeon operates the Robot from a console near the operating table, manipulating mechanical arms with small instruments capable of performing highly precise movements.
The Robot has cameras and other sensors that provide the surgeon with enhanced visual information to guide their work.
Today several types of Robotic surgery are available for different medical conditions and surgeries.
These include Laparoscopic, Cardiothoracic, Urological, Orthopaedic, Gynaecological, obstetric, general abdominal, and head and neck procedures.
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Benefits of Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery offers several advantages over traditional surgical methods, including shorter hospital stays and less pain. Operations are much more precise, leading to improved outcomes for patients.
Studies have found that robotic surgery is equally or safer than traditional open surgery in many areas, with lower infection rates and fewer complications.
Patients who have experienced robotic surgery report positive experiences, with faster recovery times and less postoperative pain.
A study published in the journal of Surgical Endoscopy found that 94% of participants reported improved physical health after undergoing robotic surgeries.
Patients also note the convenience of returning home immediately after the procedure, as most operations can be completed in under two hours.
Robotic surgery has already made an enormous difference for patients worldwide and continues to provide better outcomes for those facing difficult medical challenges.
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Risks of Robotic Surgery
While robotic surgery is generally safe an d effective, there are potential risks and complications associated with the procedure.
Some of these include mechanical breakdown of the robot, infection at the incision site, nerve or vascular injury, or excessive bleeding.
Compared to traditional surgical methods, which require large incisions and more extensive tissue trauma, robotic surgery can result in fewer postoperative complications, such as infection and bleeding, due to reduced invasiveness.
Additionally, with enhanced visibility from the camera system on the robot and precision from the robotic arms, surgeons may be able to more accurately target difficult-to-reach areas during the operation.
To minimize risks associated with robotic surgery, patients must choose experienced surgeons who are well-versed in operating the device being used.
Patients should also ask their surgeons about safety measures to reduce potential risks during preoperative preparation.
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Present Research
Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of robotic surgery.
For example, a 2020 study conducted in Texas showed that patients who underwent robotic prostatectomy had shorter hospital stays, fewer complications, and four-week incision healing times comparable to open prostatectomies.
Another 2020 study at the MD Anderson Cancer Center found that minimally invasive robotic surgeries for lung cancer compared favourably with open thoracotomy surgeries in terms of operative time, mortality rate, and overall patient outcomes.
In addition, a 2019 study from Stanford University concluded that robotic hysterectomies were associated with decreased average blood loss and slightly shorter operating times compared to traditional laparoscopies or abdominal hysterectomies.
Overall, this evidence suggests that robotic surgery can be safe and effective when performed by experienced surgeons.
Patient Considerations
Before opting for robotic surgery, patients should consider their medical needs and evaluate the Benefits of Robotic Surgery against traditional surgical approaches.
Additionally, it is important to discuss all potential risks and complications with their doctor or surgeon to ensure they are comfortable and informed about their decision.
Patients can ask the following questions to ensure a safe experience with robotic surgery:
- What makes me a good candidate for robotic surgery?What are the potential risks of this procedure?
- How many times have you performed this procedure using this robot?
- Am I eligible for any special patient safety features offered by the robot manufacturer?
- Are there any special postoperative care instructions I need to follow?
To ensure a safe experience with robotic surgery, it is important for patients to closely follow their doctor’s pre and postoperative instructions.
Additionally, they should ensure that their doctor or surgeon is experienced in operating the device and that all safety measures are taken before the operation begins.
Experts have increasingly embraced robotic surgery as a safe and effective means of performing operations in the medical field.
Studies have shown that robotic surgeries have shorter incision times, require fewer follow-up visits, and generally result in improved patient outcomes.
For this reason, patients need to consider their medical needs and weigh the potential benefits of robotic surgery against traditional surgical approaches.
Upon making an informed decision, they can rest assured that robotic surgery is generally safe when performed by a trained and experienced surgeon.
They should ask their doctors questions to ensure a safe experience with robotic surgery and feel confident in seeking more information or advice when considering such a procedure.

Dr. Aditya Kulkarni
MS, DNB, FRCS, MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology & GI Oncology)
Dr. Aditya Kulkarni is a Consultant of Laparoscopic and Robotic Gastrointestinal, Hepato-biliary-pancreatic, and Cancer Surgeon at the Renowned Oasis Surgery Clinic Pune.
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